The Daily Latvia - An Interactive Guide To Latvia and Riga!
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Travel To Latvia!

Latvia, which is located in the Baltic States, is a great travel destination with many things to do. Latvia is one of the most exciting places in Northern Europe as it has been hidden from the view of the world for over 50 years when it was occupied by the Soviet Union. The largest city in Latvia and the largest tourist destination is the city of Riga.

Riga is a very vibrant and cultural city considering it is, and has been for centuries, at the crossroads of the great markets for Western Europe and the East. Traveling in Latvia is easy as with the country's solid economy they have a well maintained infrastructure. To get to Latvia there are roads, railways, ferries, and the International airport in Riga. Traveling to and throughout Latvia can be done with other interesting travel ways such as biking treks, road trips, and boat rides and cruises.

Latvia is a country which is rich in history and has many traditions. In Latvia there are castles from medieval times, great nature, and picturesque old quaint towns.

When traveling to and throughout Latvia it is crucial that the traveler bring the right documents, especially passports. The records on such documentation must be up to date and make sure the documentation does not expire while you are in the country.

There are many countries around the world, the United States included, that if you are a citizen you are not required to obtain a visa to enter Latvia. The visa is given to you at your point of entry with a stamp and with this visa you can stay for up to 90 days. If you would like to extend your trip you need to obtain a residency permit. If you overstay the visa without obtaining a residency permit you can risk becoming a persona non grata.

There is a lot to do when traveling throughout Latvia from the beautiful nature in the countryside and medieval castles to the beautiful beaches and the vibrant capital city of Riga.


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    Sandis Viksna
    The Daily Latvia . COM
The Daily Latvia - An Interactive Guide To Riga And Latvia

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