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Old Riga Sigulda is located 53 km away to the East from Riga in the Gauja River valley. This small town is one of the most picturesque towns in Latvia and is often referred to as "the small Latvian Switzerland” because of the beautiful mountainous region. The past of the town is rich in historical events. There were castles built in the 13th century by the Teutonic Knight's Order and Riga's Bishop: Sigulda in 1207, Turaida in 1214 and Krimulda in 1252 out of which only the Turaida Castle has remained. Nowadays, Sigulda is a centre of the Gauja National Park.

For information, please, visit: Baltic Events & Travel site

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    Sandis Viksna
    The Daily Latvia . COM
The Daily Latvia - An Interactive Guide To Riga And Latvia

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