Riga Film Museum

The Riga Film Museum was founded in 1988. The museum's collection includes 70 000 documents, photographs, posters, and a compilation of movies, video and audio tapes tracing the history of the film in Latvia and the world. The museum organizes local and international film events: The International Summer School of Film History, retrospective screenings, exhibitions etc. A permanent exhibition, "Cinema in Latvia" is currently being prepared.
Related documents: Latvian Museum of Architecture, Latvian Museum of Natural History, Latvian Museum of Photography, Latvian Railway History Museum, Literature, Theatre and Music Museum, Museum of Botany of the University of Latvia, Museum of Computer Science and Technology of the University of Latvia, Museum of Decorative Applied Arts, Museum of Pharmacy, Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, Museum of Zoology of the University of Latvia, Occupation Museum of Latvia, Riga Film Museum, Riga Motor Museum, Riga Water Supply Museum
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