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State Audit Office Republic of Latvia

State Audit Office Republic of Latvia

An independent collegiate body reporting to the Saeima (Parliament) on utilisation of public funds.

Audits are carried out at state and local government institutions, state and local government companies, as well as partnerships involving the state capital.

The State Audit Office audits the funds granted by the international financial institutions (for example, the European Investment Bank, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.) and the public procurement procedures, as well as monitors the privatisation process.

Annually the State Audit Office issues opinions on the annual accounts of 26 central state institutions and 578 local governments.

The State Audit Office is a member of the international organisations of supreme audit institutions - INTOSAI and EUROSAI and abides by the Charters of these organisations.

Our auditors take part in exchange programmes in the EU Member States and acquire knowledge about monitoring and auditing of the use of resources from the EU pre-structural and other funds.

The State Audit Office employs 130 auditors of various professional background, but total number of the SAO staff is 179.

Read more: State Audit Office Republic of Latvia

Related documents: Bank of Latvia, Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia, Central Statistic Bureau of Latvia, Financial and Capital Market Commission, Latvian Investment and Development Agency, Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, Parlament of Latvia, President of Latvia, State Audit Office Republic of Latvia

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    Sandis Viksna
    The Daily Latvia . COM
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